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Stress Less More Success

For High Achievers

Lyn and Graham Whiteman

We facilitate STRESS LESS courses in the UK and Australia.

How to Relax with:

The Ultimate Guide to RELAX your Life and Live your Dreams.

Living life at today's full on pace is not easy, this book reveals simple, profound strategies for changing your life now.

Are you finding it hard just to stop the merry go-round because you require or want to be successful? The the truths contained in this book will allow you to see the difference and make the difference to success.

Mentoring and Coaching Diamond Edge VIP Program

221 or 222 (VIP)

1:1 Sessions of Relaxation Bodywork

1:1 Coaching sessions

Other Bespoke Programs available -  please enquire for further details if you are interested in working with us.

Neutral Space Relaxation®  

Esencia Relaxation®

Lyn Marie Whiteman - Entrepreneur


Joint Co-Founder and CEO of Neutral Space Relaxation®, Lyn is focused on all the aspects of Education and Training, as a Relaxation Specialist, Facilitator/Practitioner and Presenter within the Company.


Professional Life Coach from 2000 (20+ years)

A Professional Fine Artist Qualified (35+ years)

Tutor, Presenter/Facilitator on  Self Development

Workshops (30+ years)

Married to Graham for over 44 years!

Graham D Whiteman - Entrepreneur

Graham works intuitively, with harmony at the centre of his professional understanding and way of life. “Relaxation bodywork, I believe to be very beneficial to anyone who is looking to enjoy life to the full”.

Working for 2 Decades in Complementary Health, with an understanding of Mechanisms, body feedback, bio-feedback and general energy flow, Graham works to return the clients body and mind to a state of balance, with free flowing energy, a true state of bliss, so people can carry out their lives with clarity through a clear mind.

Stress Less Coaching using relaxation to make the difference

Lyn and Graham around with Stress Less More Success

The book Stress Less More Success by Lyn and Graham Whiteman The Success of being Stress Less in all we do around the world

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